Sunday, March 27, 2011

Trying out this app for updating blog, Facebook, and twitter accounts

Seminar in Sacramento

Working with the other TPMI doctors this weekend was great! Looking forward to the next seminar.

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Great summary of how chiropractic is the only treat that someone should seek for acute lowerback pain

New lowerback pain study

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Friday, September 19, 2008

"2 Yr Headaches do a Disappearing Act!"

Yesterday, Heidi reported to me that the daily headaches that she has been suffering from for 2 years are only occurring two days a month! The pain was always behind her right eye. A year ago, she thought that maybe they were coming from her "lazy eye", so she had corrective surgery. The pain did not change. This is what led her to my office. She has been under care for only 2 months and the results are as before mentioned. We have been adjusting the subluxations in her upper cervical and upper thoracic spine. Both of these areas have a huge impact on the blood flow to the head, and I believe the normalizing of the functioning of these areas is why she has responded so well. Way to go Heidi!